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lunes, 29 de febrero de 2016

La Historia De Dietrich Mateschitz, El Hombre Que Le Dio Alas A Red Bull

Existen muchas bebidas energizantes, pero Red Bull parece no tener competencia. La marca que te da alas está presente en más de 165 países y hasta el 2014 se habían consumido más de 35.000 millones de latas en todo el mundo. Fue creada en los años 80 por el austríaco Dietrich Mateschitz, hoy multimillonario. Descubre cómo nació la popular bebida del toro rojo.
Mateschitz nació en Sankt Marein im Murztal en Estiria, Austria, el 20 de mayo de 1944 como hijo de padres croatas que se ganaban la vida como maestros de escuela. Ellos se separaron cuando Dietrich era apenas un niño, lo que le ocasionó un sentimiento de incredulidad sobre el matrimonio.

Se tomó 10 años para graduarse de Economía y Administrador de Negocios en la Universidad de Viena y a los 28 años obtuvo un título de mercadeo. Su primera experiencia laboral fue en Unilever, como encargado de mercadeo de detergentes. Luego aceptó un empleo en la compañía de cosméticos Blendax y su trabajo le exigía viajar por todo el mundo. Mientras se encontraba en Tailandia conoció la bebida Krating Daeng, que luego se convertiría en Red Bull.
Esta bebida era muy popular en Asia y fue creada por la compañía T.C. Pharmaceuticals por Chaelo Yoovidhya, a quien Mateschitz contactó de inmediato. En 1984 fundó su empresa llamada Red Bull GmbH en colaboración con Chaelo y Chalerm Yoovidhya. En 1987 lanzó la bebida en Asia y luego al resto del mundo.
Tanto Chaelo como Dietrich invirtieron $500,000 (€451,586) y cada uno obtuvo el 49% de las acciones. El otro 2% fue para el hijo de Yoovidhya. Dietrich fue designado como el director de la compañía.

La primera lata presentada lucía los colores plateado y azul, pero al principio no tuvo mucho éxito. Entonces Dietrich aplicó todas sus habilidades y lanzó una feroz campaña de mercadeo para la nueva bebida energizante. Se convirtió en patrocinante de una competencia llamada Flugtag, en la que las personas intentaban volar con máquinas hechas en casa. Al ver la buena respuesta del público, se dio cuenta de la importancia de patrocinar eventos deportivos.
Otra campaña agresiva de mercadeo consistió en intentar sustituir el alcohol por Red Bull en las fiestas. El esfuerzo dio resultados y la bebida se hizo muy popular en Austria. Luego en 1992 se comenzó a distribuir en Eslovenia y Hungría.

Cinco años después Red Bull se había apoderado de América y sus dueños se convirtieron en multimillonarios. Dietrich, de 71 años, es el hombre más rico de Austria, con una fortuna estimada de $13,7 mil millones (€12,3 MM) según Forbes.
Dietrich es un hombre muy activo que adora la adrenalina, fiel a la marca que representa. Posee licencia de piloto y suele volar un Falcon 900 y un monoplano Piper Super Cub. También posee una amplia colección de aviones clásicos. En el 2004 adquirió el equipo de Fórmula 1 de Jaguar y lo renombró Red Bull Racing. Un año después contrató al famoso piloto Gerhard Berger y compró el equipo Minardi, para cambiarle el nombre a Scuderia Toro Rosso. Eso le permitió ganar el Campeonato de Constructores y de Pilotos en el 2010.

El automovilismo ya se había convertido en una de sus grandes pasiones, así que en el 2006 compró un equipo de NASCAR que llamó Team Red Bull, pero fue una aventura que duró hasta el 2011. Su enfoque principal ha estado en la Fórmula 1. Luego adquirió el equipo de fútbol de su país SV Austria Salzburgo y el MetroStars de la MLS de Estados Unidos. A ambas franquicias les colocó el nombre de la bebida energética.
Actualmente también posee el equipo RB Leipzig que juega en la segunda división de Alemania, y también posee un equipo de hockey en el país teutón.

Una de las principales causas del éxito de Red Bull son los millones que invierten en publicidad, mucho más que otras grandes empresas. Por ejemplo, Coca-Cola invierte el 9% de sus ingresos en publicidad, mientras que en el 2004 se supo que Dietrich invirtió el 30% de las ganancias netas de la compañía en anuncios, alrededor de $600 millones (€542 millones).
Dietrich es un hombre con mucha sensibilidad social. Creó la fundación Taurus, enfocada en apoyar a los profesionales que han tenido que abandonar sus carreras a causa de algún accidente laboral. También auspicia el premio World Stunt Awards.

La residencia principal de Dietrich se encuentra en Fuschl am See, Austria. Como buen multimillonario tiene sus caprichos y compró la isla Laucala en Fiji, que le pertenecía a la familia Forbes y por la que pagó $10 millones (€9 millones). Es hermosa, de aguas cristalinas, montañas, increíbles paisajes y cuenta con 3000 acres de los cuales 600 han sido cultivados con palmeras. Una vez adquirió la isla inició un profundo proceso de renovación y ahora es considerada una de las islas más hermosas del mundo. En el 2009 abrió la isla para el público, quienes tienen la opción de alojarse en una de las 25 exóticas residencias.
En el 2013 Dietrich adquirió un increíble submarino personal por $1,7 millones (€1,5 millones).
Siempre viendo hacia adelante y explorando nuevas sendas, Red Bull se ha convertido también en una compañía de medios, produciendo geniales vídeos deportivos y artísticos, así como páginas webs, música y material para la televisión. Siempre manteniendo su esencia de adrenalina y aventura.

Luego de Red Bull han salido muchas bebidas energéticas, pero ninguna ha podido plantearle seria competencia. Siempre se quedan abajo mientras Red Bull alza vuelo con sus famosas alas.
Red Bull ha roto esquemas y ha alcanzado límites estratosféricos, literalmente. En el 2012 se llevó a cabo la operación Red Bull Stratos. El ex militar y paracaidista Felix Baumgartner se convirtió en el primer hombre en realizar un salto de caída libre desde la estratosfera, mientras observaba la curvatura de la tierra, a una altura de 39.000 metros. El austriaco logró romper la barrera del sonido y aterrizar sin inconvenientes.

There are many energy drinks, but Red Bull seems to have no competition. The brand that gives you wings is present in more than 165 countries and until 2014 had consumed more than 35,000 billion cans worldwide. It was created in the 80s by Austrian Dietrich Mateschitz, billionaire today. Discover how popular drink red bull born.
Mateschitz was born in Sankt Marein im Mürztal in Styria, Austria, on May 20, 1944 as the son of Croatian parents who made their living as schoolteachers. They separated when Dietrich was a child, which caused him a feeling of disbelief on marriage.

It took 10 years to graduate from Economics and Business Administrator at the University of Vienna and at age 28 earned a degree in marketing. His first work experience was in Unilever, as responsible marketing of detergents. Then he took a job in the cosmetics company Blendax and his job required him to travel around the world. While he was in Thailand Krating Daeng he met drink, which later became Red Bull.
This drink was very popular in Asia and was created by the company T.C. Pharmaceuticals for Chaelo Yoovidhya, whom Mateschitz contacted immediately. In 1984 he founded his company called Red Bull GmbH in collaboration with Chaelo and Chalerm Yoovidhya. In 1987 he launched the drink in Asia and then the rest of the world.
Both Chaelo as Dietrich invested $ 500,000 (€ 451.586) and each won 49% of the shares. The other 2% was for the son of Yoovidhya. Dietrich was appointed as the director of the company.

The first can presented sported the silver and blue colors, but at first was not very successful. Dietrich then applied all his skills and launched a fierce marketing campaign for the new energy drink. He became sponsor of a competition called Flugtag, where people tried to fly with homemade machines. Seeing the good response from the public, he realized the importance of sponsoring sporting events.
Another aggressive marketing campaign was to try to replace alcohol by Red Bull at parties. The effort paid off and the drink became very popular in Austria. Then in 1992 he began distributing in Slovenia and Hungary.

Five years after Red Bull had taken hold of America and their owners became billionaires. Dietrich, 71, is the richest man in Austria, with an estimated $ 13.7 billion (€ 12.3 billion) according to Forbes.
Dietrich is a very active man who loves adrenaline, true to the brand it represents. It has often pilot's license and fly a Falcon 900 Piper Super Cub monoplane. It also has an extensive collection of classic aircraft. In 2004 he acquired Formula 1 team Jaguar and renamed Red Bull Racing. A year later, he hired the famous driver Gerhard Berger and bought the Minardi team to rename Scuderia Toro Rosso. That allowed him to win the Constructors and Drivers in 2010.

Motorsports and had become one of his great passions, so in 2006 he bought a NASCAR team called Team Red Bull, but it was an adventure that lasted until 2011. Its main focus has been in Formula 1. Then acquired the football team SV Austria Salzburg country and the MetroStars of MLS United States. In both franchises he placed them the name of the energy drink.
Currently also it owns RB Leipzig team playing in the second division of Germany, and also has a hockey team in the Teutonic country.

One of the main reasons for the success of Red Bull are investing millions in advertising, much more than other large companies. For example, Coca-Cola invests 9% of its revenues on advertising, while in 2004 it was learned that Dietrich invested 30% of the net profits of the company in ads, about $ 600 million (€ 542 million).
Dietrich is a man with great social sensitivity. He created the Taurus foundation, focused on supporting professionals who have had to abandon their careers because of some accident. It also sponsors the prize World Stunt Awards.

Dietrich's main residence is located in Fuschl am See, Austria. As good billionaire has its quirks and bought Laucala Island in Fiji, which belonged to the Forbes family and for which it paid $ 10 million (€ 9 million). It is beautiful, crystal clear waters, mountains, incredible scenery and has 3000 acres of which 600 have been cultivated with palm trees. Once acquired the island began a profound process of renewal and is now considered one of the most beautiful islands in the world. In 2009, the island opened to the public, who have the option of staying in one of 25 exotic residences.
In 2013 Dietrich acquired a personal submarine amazing for $ 1.7 million (€ 1.5 million).
Always looking ahead and exploring new paths, Red Bull has also become a media company, producing great sports and artistic videos and websites, music and television material. Always keeping the essence of adrenaline and adventure.

After Red Bull they have left many energy drinks, but none has been able to put to serious competition. Always stay upside down while flying Red Bull with its famous wings.
Red Bull has broken schemes and has reached stratospheric limits, literally. In 2012 it carried out the operation Red Bull Stratos. And former military parachutist Felix Baumgartner became the first man to make a freefall jump from the stratosphere, watching the curvature of the earth at an altitude of 39,000 meters. The Austrian managed to break the sound barrier and landing smoothly.

There are many energy drinks, but Red Bull seems to have no competition. The brand that gives you wings is present in more than 165 countries and until 2014 had consumed more than 35,000 billion cans worldwide. It was created in the 80s by Austrian Dietrich Mateschitz, billionaire today. Discover how popular drink red bull born.
Mateschitz was born in Sankt Marein im Mürztal in Styria, Austria, on May 20, 1944 as the son of Croatian parents who made their living as schoolteachers. They separated when Dietrich was a child, which caused him a feeling of disbelief on marriage.

It took 10 years to graduate from Economics and Business Administrator at the University of Vienna and at age 28 earned a degree in marketing. His first work experience was in Unilever, as responsible marketing of detergents. Then he took a job in the cosmetics company Blendax and his job required him to travel around the world. While he was in Thailand Krating Daeng he met drink, which later became Red Bull.
This drink was very popular in Asia and was created by the company T.C. Pharmaceuticals for Chaelo Yoovidhya, whom Mateschitz contacted immediately. In 1984 he founded his company called Red Bull GmbH in collaboration with Chaelo and Chalerm Yoovidhya. In 1987 he launched the drink in Asia and then the rest of the world.
Both Chaelo as Dietrich invested $ 500,000 (€ 451.586) and each won 49% of the shares. The other 2% was for the son of Yoovidhya. Dietrich was appointed as the director of the company.

The first can presented sported the silver and blue colors, but at first was not very successful. Dietrich then applied all his skills and launched a fierce marketing campaign for the new energy drink. He became sponsor of a competition called Flugtag, where people tried to fly with homemade machines. Seeing the good response from the public, he realized the importance of sponsoring sporting events.
Another aggressive marketing campaign was to try to replace alcohol by Red Bull at parties. The effort paid off and the drink became very popular in Austria. Then in 1992 he began distributing in Slovenia and Hungary.

Five years after Red Bull had taken hold of America and their owners became billionaires. Dietrich, 71, is the richest man in Austria, with an estimated $ 13.7 billion (€ 12.3 billion) according to Forbes.
Dietrich is a very active man who loves adrenaline, true to the brand it represents. It has often pilot's license and fly a Falcon 900 Piper Super Cub monoplane. It also has an extensive collection of classic aircraft. In 2004 he acquired Formula 1 team Jaguar and renamed Red Bull Racing. A year later, he hired the famous driver Gerhard Berger and bought the Minardi team to rename Scuderia Toro Rosso. That allowed him to win the Constructors and Drivers in 2010.

Motorsports and had become one of his great passions, so in 2006 he bought a NASCAR team called Team Red Bull, but it was an adventure that lasted until 2011. Its main focus has been in Formula 1. Then acquired the football team SV Austria Salzburg country and the MetroStars of MLS United States. In both franchises he placed them the name of the energy drink.
Currently also it owns RB Leipzig team playing in the second division of Germany, and also has a hockey team in the Teutonic country.

One of the main reasons for the success of Red Bull are investing millions in advertising, much more than other large companies. For example, Coca-Cola invests 9% of its revenues on advertising, while in 2004 it was learned that Dietrich invested 30% of the net profits of the company in ads, about $ 600 million (€ 542 million).
Dietrich is a man with great social sensitivity. He created the Taurus foundation, focused on supporting professionals who have had to abandon their careers because of some accident. It also sponsors the prize World Stunt Awards.

Dietrich's main residence is located in Fuschl am See, Austria. As good billionaire has its quirks and bought Laucala Island in Fiji, which belonged to the Forbes family and for which it paid $ 10 million (€ 9 million). It is beautiful, crystal clear waters, mountains, incredible scenery and has 3000 acres of which 600 have been cultivated with palm trees. Once acquired the island began a profound process of renewal and is now considered one of the most beautiful islands in the world. In 2009, the island opened to the public, who have the option of staying in one of 25 exotic residences.
In 2013 Dietrich acquired a personal submarine amazing for $ 1.7 million (€ 1.5 million).
Always looking ahead and exploring new paths, Red Bull has also become a media company, producing great sports and artistic videos and websites, music and television material. Always keeping the essence of adrenaline and adventure.

After Red Bull they have left many energy drinks, but none has been able to put to serious competition. Always stay upside down while flying Red Bull with its famous wings.
Red Bull has broken schemes and has reached stratospheric limits, literally. In 2012 it carried out the operation Red Bull Stratos. And former military parachutist Felix Baumgartner became the first man to make a freefall jump from the stratosphere, watching the curvature of the earth at an altitude of 39,000 meters. The Austrian managed to break the sound barrier and landing smoothly.

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